Monday, March 16, 2009

Final Count

We are at 14 total participants! 7 Arizonans, 2 Californians, 1 Washingtoner, 1 Arkansan, and 3 Tennesseens.

So, you will need to create and mail 13 cards. (You can make 14 if you want to keep one for yourself.) The theme for May is birthday cards. It is up to you, but you are welcome to include your name and blog on the back of your cards, kind of like your hallmark stamp. We anticipate our count staying the same throughout 2009, but if there is a change, we will let you know.

Your cards need to be postmarked with a SASE with the same postage as your total package by the 1st of May. Those of you Arizonans are more than welcome to run your items to Taina's or Katie’s house, but you’ll have to run to pick them up too when you want your cards back.

Thanks! We're excited!


Em said...

This sounds like a lot of fun :) I might join in when you do it again!

April said...

Did the cards get sent out? I haven't received mine yet, thanks!

erin said...

I just mailed mine for May. Be on the lookout.


Laura said...

I will be mailing mine out tomorrow (5/1/09).
